Do you wish your job actually meant something?
Do you wake up each morning dreading to go into work because you unsure of what you have to do and whether or not what you’re doing is actually right? Are you secretly hoping for a pat on the back—even just a small token of appreciation? Do you dread the drivel when you hear about “employee motivation” and “employee engagement,” but feel as though nothing is really being done about it?
Yeah, get it.
Greatify is revolutionizing the workplace so that, through contests, employees like you can better understand your objectives for the day/week and what your supervisor expects from you—all while enabling check your progress and win prizes or badges.
Don’t worry! Greatify isn’t some corny, themed gamification game that makes you ask “What in the bleep is this?” No. Greatify is a fun, yet serious, tool you can use to feel better about what you accomplish at work every day. It also gives your boss valuable information so that she or he can provide constructive feedback, congratulate you and motivate you on a consistent basis. After all, robots don’t need high-fives, but humans like you do!